Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I can't sleep so here goes....

Sometimes it seems as if us christians have decided that the safest place for us is behind the walls of a building we call "the church." We can easily drift into the thought that our "church" keeps us from the contamination of the world.. And sometimes we're prolly even guilty of making church a refuge "from" the world rather than a refuge "for" the world. And then every so often we feel guilty b/c we know that the bible teaches us to "GO and make disciples..." So we go on a mission project or spend a few hours doing something charitable don't we? We've defined this kinna stuff as "being set apart and holy" mixed with "evangelism." But there is a shift taking place amoung christians and churchs. I have this sense that the church as a whole is beggining to get it.... God's church is grasping the reality that we're not called to live apart from the world and only come out once or twice a year;we're called to live without walls, to be an active part of our community and to influence it for Jesus. Ya, I like that! We are the church....we are a light slap in the middle of our dark communities not meant to be hidden in a building but spread onto every single street and into every single home.....AMEN

1 comment:

HPC Mom said...

On that I note... I would like to say I think HPC is THE most awesome church on the planet.I believe the leadership of the house has a sincere heart to reach & serve others by showing the light of Christ in this dark world. HPC has created a unique enviroment where people feel free to come as they are & as who they are & let Jesus do the rest. My question is, how do we define the standards for acceptable on campus behavior without offending a person when they are out of line? The last thing I would ever want is to have my big mouth saying something really stupid and offending someone who could have been saved for eternity. I am specifically referring to the prevalence of on campus cigarette smoking. I am seeing it more and more & it really bothers me. Not because I am perfect-- I am SO VERY far from it, but how are we as Christians and members of this house supposed to address teenagers and adults alike hanging out in the parking lot and at the back door smoking in the wide open? Do we say something or pretend its not there? Our goal is to always to walk in love but don't we have an obligation to point out the obvious? Even if it's not technically a sin, shouldn't we avoid behaviors that could be a stumbling block for others, especially guests... I would love to hear some feed back on this topic from our incredible leaders. It is a delicate subject that requires some wisdom and perhaps some "Smoke Free Campus" signs to point out the obvious.