Thursday, October 11, 2007

the smell of ministry

this is a pix of our closing prayer after homeless breakfast prayed by my boy St. peter(guy in the khaki). here's the funny thing about Pete....Pete smells very very bad and spits alot when he speaks and did i mention that he loves to hug you and talk real close about how thankful he is that we come share Jesus with him. when you leave homeless breakfast you leave smelling like "ST.PETE for men", if you know what i mean. i use to want to go home right afterward and shower and change so that i could get that smell off of me but not anymore....i kinna like carrying that smell throughout my day b/c it helps me carry Pete throughout my day. today i couldn't stop thinking about much God loves him and people like him. its the smell of the poor, the forgotten, the abandoned.....Jesus loves that smell!!! Jesus is drawn to that smell.... could it be true that the very smells that we turn our nose from God turns His heart to?
do you love that smell?


Carole Turner said...

We need more of that smell @ Highland. It wakes you up, makes you look straight at Jesus or look away-your choice, cuz' a smell like that gets your attention.

tweez said...

smell of wine and cheap perfume,
smell of safe and nore of doom...

Sarah Head said...

Dang, that's so true. I love Jesus!

Andrew said...

Awesome post, Jason!

Andrew said...

Pastor Jason* durr